Stop Asking Permission

"When this happened, I did not rush out to consult with any human being." — Galatians 1:16 (NLT)

The other day, my son asked me for a piece of gum while we were out running errands. I told him yes and handed my pack to my daughters so they could take a piece for themselves and give him one.

But when my son asked them for his piece, they got onto him for not asking them first!

I stepped in and said, “Why should he have to ask YOU for something he already asked ME for and that I already said yes to?”

And that’s when it hit me—how many times do we do this with God?

God gives us a promise. He says yes. But instead of standing on His word, we turn around and ask time, money, people, or circumstances whether we can have it.

Paul didn’t do that. When God called him, he “did not rush out to consult with any human being.” (Galatians 1:16) He didn’t check with others to see if what God said was possible—he just obeyed.

When God says you’re healed, don’t look to your symptoms for permission to believe it.

When God says He will provide, don’t check your bank account before trusting Him.

When God says you have victory, don’t wait for people to confirm it.

I had to learn this for myself when I was believing for my healing. If I had let my body, my pain, or my medical reports decide whether I could trust God, I wouldn’t be here today. But I made a choice—I stopped conferring with flesh and blood and took God at His word. And that’s when everything changed.

Father, I thank You that I don’t have to stay where I am. Through Your Word and Your Spirit, I am growing in skill. I choose to be intentional with my words, my thoughts, and my actions. I align myself with Your truth and bear the Fruit of the Spirit in every area of my life. In Jesus’ Name, amen!